
Streetsboro First Graders Use Educreations for Reading and Science

Rootstown Second Graders Use QR Codes to Access Reading and Math Activities

Rootstown 2nd Graders Use Padlet for Vocabulary Practice

Streetsboro First Graders Practice Math Facts with iPad Apps

Rootstown Second Graders Use Book Creator iOS as a Wrting Tool

Rootstown Second Graders Explore Digital Tools for Daily 5

Streetsboro 1st Graders Explore Doodle Buddy and Sushi Monster

Rootstown 2nd Graders Create Cartoons and Animations with Buncee and Daisy the Dinosaur

Lakeview 6th Graders Code with Minecraft

Lakeview 6th Graders Design Science Stories with Lucidpress, Storybird and Toontastic 3D

Lakeview 6th Graders Create Green Screen Productions with DoInk

Lakeview Sixth Graders Share Mineral Research Facts Using Popplet, Adobe Spark Post and Google Slides

Lakeview Sixth Graders Create Digital Science Projects on Minerals