Campers Program Sphero SPRK+ Robotic Ball

Building from their programming this week with Ozobot Bits’ and Edisons, this afternoon campers were introduced to the Sphero SPRK+ robotic ball.  SPRK stands for “Students, Parents, Robots and Kids” and the device is designed to engage children and adults in having fun with coding. The SPRK+ ball is translucent which allows children to observe how the ball responds to their coded commands to make the ball jump, change speed, move in a particular direction, or dance. This afternoon campers learned to work with the Sphero Edu app to program the SPRK+ ball. The app utilizes a visual drag-and-drop block programming language for controlling functions and changes in speed, direction, and color. Campers progressed through a series of increasingly advanced programming levels to create and code different games with the ball. A highlight of the afternoon was programming sounds & lights for the ball to play “SPRK+ Hot Potato”.