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AT&T Classroom Campers Program Ozobot Bits
This afternoon in the AT&T Classroom, the Smart Toy Robots camp kicked-off with campers exploring the Ozobot Bit - a small toy robot with sensors that recognize color sequences and interprets them as commands for directing speed and movement. The Ozobot device is programmed to follow black, red, blue, and green lines/paths which control the Ozobot’s movement and speed in different directions. This afternoon the campers first learned to program their Ozobots using “static codes” in which they created different color combinations by drawing lines and paths with markers on paper.
The campers quickly learned how to combine various color combinations and sequences to alter their Ozobot’s direction and speed. Campers worked in teams to design mazes and tracks by planning specific color code sequences and combinations at various points along the path.
The campers were also introduced to OzoBlockly for programming their Ozobots using an iPad. OzoBlockly is a visual programming language with a drag-and-drop interface composed of graphical programming blocks. Also on the iPads, the campers used Ozogroove within the Ozobot app to program dance movements and steps for their Ozobots.