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RCET Campers Design Digital Games with Clickteam Fusion
This past week campers in the AT&T Classroom have been working with Clickteam Fusion 2.5, (CF) a cloud-based tool for creating 2D games and applications. The tool is designed to be very intuitive and utilizes a drag and drop editor that allows for easy animation and event creation. The platform also offers numerous extensions submitted by the CF community that cover a variety of game-building tasks. Across the week campers have been exploring more advanced programming levels to create increasingly complex features and animations for their games. At today’s final session the campers were excited to share and view one another’s unique projects with customized characters, sounds, movements and challenge levels.
A free trial of the Clickteam Fusion 2.5 platform is available as a free download. The premium version of the platform is typically for sale at a discounted rate during the holidays and the end of June each year.