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Campers Program with Sphero SPRK+
This week in RCET’s AT&T Classroom campers are working with the Sphero SPRK+ robotic ball. SPRK stands for “Students, Parents, Robots and Kids” and is designed to engage children and adults in learning to code in educational settings as well as at home and other informal learning settings. The SPRK+ ball is translucent which allows children to observe how the ball responds to their coded commands to make the ball jump, change speed, moving in a particular direction, or dance.
This morning the campers learned to work with the Sphero Edu app to learn to program the SPRK+ ball. The app utilizes a drag and drop block programming language for controlling functions and changes in speed, direction, and color. Over the next few days the campers will progress through more advanced programming levels as they work through more increasingly complex projects.