Rootstown Second Grade Highlights: Pic Kids and Math Apps

The Rootstown second graders took advantage of this morning’s sunshine by taking a photo walk on the Kent State campus using the camera feature on the iPads to capture photos. Prior to the photo walk, Mrs. Stackpole reviewed with students the concept of adjectives as descriptive words and then gave students the assignment to capture photos that could be used for writing with adjectives.
Back in the AT&T Classroom, the students were introduced to Pic Collage for Kids to create a collage of their photos. Also known  as Pic Kids for short, Pic Collage for Kids is a free app for creating scenes and collages with photos taken with an iOS device. The app was designed specifically for students of elementary and middle school ages as an alternative to the original PicCollage app. Both apps offer access to a tremendous gallery of backgrounds, stickers and customizable fonts for creating photo projects. With Pic Kids, students are able to conduct safe-filter Internet image searches and social media sharing features are removed. The second graders enjoyed using the app’s customized fonts and text features to create their collage to include a list of adjectives to describe their photos and to write a sentence with adjectives to add as a caption for one of their photos.

As part of their math rotations in the AT&T Classroom, the Rootstown second graders have been working with math concepts for place value using an online game accessible at Math Playground.
Pop Penguin and the Place Value Race is a free online game that uses a classic board-game format to provide students with practice for understanding and working with place value. Students advance along the game board by completing math challenges of varying degrees of difficulty. Students are also able to select the level of difficulty of the challenges they wish to attempt.

Also during their math rotations, the second graders are using QR code technology to support their math work. As the second graders are using the QR Reader app on their iPads to scan QR codes that link to the math problems and also solution to check their work.