During their literacy block in the AT&T Classroom the Streetsboro first graders have been focusing on adjectives as descriptive words. On Monday afternoon the first graders created adjective collages using the Pic Collage for Kids app on the iPads. Also known as Pic Kids for short, Pic Collage for Kids is a free app for creating scenes and collages with photos taken with an iOS device. The app was designed specifically for students of elementary and middle school ages as an alternative to the original PicCollage app. Both apps offer access to a tremendous gallery of backgrounds, stickers and customizable fonts for creating photo projects. With Pic Kids, students are able to conduct safe-filter Internet image searches and social media sharing features are removed. The first graders used the Internet search feature in the app to locate a Spring scene to use as the background for their collage. Using the text and sticker tools within the app, the students created captions with adjectives to label different objects and locations in the photo scene.