This afternoon in the AT&T Classroom the Wait Primary first graders used two creativity tools to add a talking avatar to their opinion writing assignment. Cartoonify is a free web-based tool for building a cartoon avatar. The tool offers an extensive gallery of features for creating and customizing an avatar including facial shapes, smiles, eye lashes, eye brows, eye glasses, ears, hair, and clothes. Each student created their own customized avatar to include in their opinion writing piece. Next, the students animated their Cartoonify avatar to make it talk using the Talkify application. Accessible at the website, Talkify is a free web-based tool for adding voice to photos. Students are able to use their own images or select from one in the tool’s gallery. The tool guides students through a series of prompts to select and size a mouth and record voice-over for playback. The first graders pulled their Cartoonify avatar into the Talkify application and then used the Talkify voice recorder to make their avatar talk as they recorded themselves reading their opinion piece.