This morning in the AT&T Classroom the Rootstown third graders completed and shared their App Smash habitat projects. “App Smash” is a term used to describe the process of using several apps in combination to complete a task or create a project. The process of App Smashing encourages students creativity and problem solving skills as they work among multiple tools to develop content and share their learning. This past week the Rootstown third graders “App Smashed” the Google Image Search Tool, Doodle Buddy iOS, Pic Collage for Kids, and ChatterPix Kids to synthesize and share what they have learned about habitats. This morning the students added personification to the animal in their habitat project using ChatterPix Kids to record their voice so that the animal was talking. The app allows a student to draw a mouth on an object in a photo and then record voice-over which animates the mouth to move in sync with the voice recording. Assuming the role of their animal, students shared facts about their animal’s habitat, its adaptations, and how those adaptations help the animal to survive in its habitat.