RCET is excited to welcome Mrs. Tiffany Yehle and her fourth graders from Holden Elementary to the AT&T Classroom. Across the next four weeks, the students will explore a variety of programs and applications to support their learning across the curriculum and to promote their use of twenty-first century skills for communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.
The fourth graders started their afternoon presenting Buncees they created about their family’s heritage. Buncee is a free multi-platform tool that students can use to create multimedia stories. Using Buncee students can create a visual story by adding custom background templates to Buncee slides. Students can customize templates by adding animations, pictures, text, drawings, and videos. The Buncee platform also offers a very large gallery of media that students can use in their stories or students have the option to import media from their computers, from YouTube, from Vimeo, from Dropbox, from SoundCloud, and from Gooru. Completed Buncee projects can be viewed online and/or saved as PDFs.
Later this afternoon the students used Google My Maps to explore one of the countries from their family’s heritage. The students accessed the Google My Maps website from their class Symbaloo.
Symbaloo is a free visual bookmarking tool used by teachers to organize websites frequently used for specific subjects and/or projects. The class has a Symbaloo site where all of the websites they are using in the AT&T Classroom are bookmarked. Their class Symbaloo can be accessed from any device with a web browser from the following url: https://www.symbaloo.com/mix/mrsyehlegrade4symbal