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Robotics & Programming with mBot in the AT&T Classroom
A group of middle and high school students spent the afternoon in the AT&T Classroom exploring robotics with the Makeblock mBot STEM Educational Robot kit. The mBot is designed to provide opportunities for students to gain experience with programming, electronics, and robotics. The kit utilizes a programming language similar to that used with MIT’s Scratch 2.0 to engage students with essential computational thinking concepts (sequence, loops, parallelism, events, conditionals, operators, data) and key computational thinking practices (experimenting and iterating, testing and debugging, reusing and remixing, abstracting and modularizing). This afternoon after each camper assembled their mBot they were able to program the mBots to compete and play multiple games and challenges. Campers learned to program and control their mBots using both the laptop-based interface and remotely with tablet apps mBlockly and Makeblock.