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Third Graders Use Virtual Geoboards to Study Perimeter
During their math time this morning in the AT&T Classroom the third graders used web-based Geoboards to learn about perimeter. A Geoboard is a tool used in classrooms to facilitate children’s learning of geometric, measurement and numeracy concepts. Typically a Geoboard takes the form of a square board with pegs and students stretch bands around the pegs to form line segments and polygons as they learn about perimeter, area, angles, congruence, fractions, etc. Today in the AT&T Classroom the third graders used a web-based Geoboard accessible online at the Math Learning Center website. Using manipulatives such as Geoboards adds visual and kinesthetic opportunities to support learners as they explore and formulate understandings of mathematical ideas and concepts. Virtual manipulatives provide additional advantages by being readily available and also very easily and instantly adaptable to pose new problems and constructs. After working with the Geoboards, the students applied their skills for calculating perimeter using an activity accessible at Johnny’s Math Page, a website with math teaching and learning resources tied to the Common Core.
Links to both the Geoboard site and the perimeter activity are accessible from the class Symbaloo.