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Rootstown Second Graders Explore Scratch Jr. and 123CountIt!
Building from last week’s coding lesson, this morning the Rootstown second graders explored additional features of the Scratch Jr iOS app. In addition to experience with coding skills such as sequencing and loops, the app also provides literacy opportunities as children can use the app to create animations. Children are able to select a background for their story and then sequence different “blocks” to control their character's’ movements. The students were very proud of their animations and enjoyed sharing them with their classmates and our visitors.
Later this morning during their math block the students used a new website bookmarked in their Symbaloo for practice with money skills. GPBKids is a website offered by Georgia Public Broadcasting that hosts free access to educational videos and games with an emphasis on literacy and math. This morning during their math block, the Rootstown second graders accessed the 123Count It! area of the site to work on calculating prices using combinations of coins and dollars.