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Rootstown Second Graders Explore New Tools for Literacy & Math
Today in the AT&T Classroom, the Rootstown second graders started a new reading project. The students’ started their morning by replying to the following writing prompt posted by Miss West on Padlet: We are going to be writing book reviews this week. Tell us what book you recommend others read and give one reason why you recommend it. Students each replied by writing a post for the Padlet wall that included the title of their selected book and details to justify their recommendation.
The students are creating their book reviews using the Persuasive Map available from the Read Write Think website. The Persuasive Map is a writing tool that guides students through the process of writing a persuasive argument. For this project the students are using the tool to draft a writing piece intended to persuade someone to read a certain book. The tool provides definitions and prompts for the various elements of the persuasive piece including the thesis statement, main reasons, supporting facts and details, and the conclusion.
During their Daily 5 rotations in the AT&T Classroom, the Rootstown second graders used Storyline Online for Listen-to-Reading. Storyline Online is a free reading website sponsored by the Actors Guild. The website offers numerous children’s stories that are read aloud by famous actors with accompanying text.
During their math block in the AT&T Classroom the second graders started a unit on on money using resources available on the BrainPop Jr website. BrainPop Jr is an online resource site that offers animated video content, games and assessments related to a variety of curricular topics designed specifically for grades K-3. This morning the second graders used tutorials and activities available through the website’s Dollars & Cents module to study dollar and coin values.