Rootstown Second Graders Capture Images for Writing Projects

In preparation for two upcoming writing projects, the Rootstown second graders took advantage of the beautiful weather and started their morning by taking a photo walk on the Kent State campus. Using the camera feature on the iPads, the students captured photos of the sculptures along the Kent State University Esplanade, a pedestrian walkway that runs through the campus and to downtown Kent. A favorite piece of the class was the ““Eye to Eye” sculpture created by artist Barry Gunderson in front of Kent Hall. The students will be using the photos next week to work on their writing and create two digital story projects. Writing projects that involve students in capturing and using real-time photos connects them to their written text in a very meaningful way. Additionally, the projects provide an opportunity for students to utilize auditory, verbal, visual, and kinesthetic modalities in combination to create a very personalized and meaningful product that reflects their learning.