Rootstown Second Graders Use Padlet for Daily Writing Prompt

Padlet is a web-based tool that functions as a virtual wall or bulletin board where people can easily exchange thoughts on a common topic. Users are able to post several forms of content including text, images,and videos. The tool can be used in many different ways including a place to post announcements, assignments or messages as well as an online space for brainstorming, creating a KWL, or a space for posting links to specific websites.  The Rootstown second graders have a Padlet wall that they are using for daily writing practice. Each morning Miss West is posting a writing prompt on the class wall and the second graders each log on to the space and draft a reply to the prompt. After students finish writing, they come back together as a class to view and share the posts. The collaborative nature of the wall provides a rich opportunity for writing instruction. Because students know their work will be shared, they tend to be more motivated as they approach their writing and they also become more aware of being accountable for the content and the quality of their work. The tool also helps to strengthen the class as a learning community as students learn more about each other’s interests, ideas, etc., as they read one another’s posts.