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Rootstown Second Graders Use Google Slides for Math Project
Google Slides is a free Google productivity app that can be used to create presentations and note cards. Slides can include text, images, hyperlinks and video. The Google Slides applications offers a wide variety of themes, templates, backgrounds, and fonts that can be used to create very unique customized presentations that are automatically saved within Google Drive and can easily be shared and/or downloaded. This morning during their math block in the AT&T Classroom the second graders used Google Slides to create illustrated daily schedules. The students applied the skills they have been developing for telling time and drew pictures of analog clocks representing the various times of various activities in their daily schedule. Students then used the iPad’s camera to capture a photo of each clock. This morning the students inserted each clock image into a separate Google Slide and then added text to each slide to note the activity/subject corresponding to the clock’s time of day.