This morning in the AT&T Classroom as part of their literacy block the second graders learned about adjectives. The students started their morning by exploring the topic using the BrainPop Jr. website. BrainPop Jr is an online resource site that offers animated video content, games and assessments related to a variety of curricular topics designed specifically for grades K-3. The students are applying what they know about adjectives to create digital Autumn photo collages using Pic Collage. Pic Collage is a free app that can be used to create collages of photos taken with an iOS device. Features within the app allow you to customize a collage by adding text, backgrounds, and stickers. On Monday the second graders took advantage of the beautiful weather and went on a campus photo walk with their iPads. Prior to their walk the students had a lesson on using the camera feature of the iPad. This morning in the AT&T Classroom, the students were given an overview of the Pic Collage app and spent some time exploring the various features within the app. On Wednesday the second graders will select their favorite photos from their camera roll and will create their Autumn photo collage using Pic Collage.