Walls Third Graders Explore Google Classroom

This morning in the AT&T Classroom the Walls third graders explored the features of Google Classroom. Google Classroom is a learning platform designed to provide a safe digital learning space where teachers and students can communicate and share content. Within Google Classroom, teachers can create an assignment and choose how students complete the assignment (e.g., individually, small groups, whole class). The teacher is able to track who has completed the assignment and who has not and also provide feedback to individual students. Students are able to keep track of what’s due on the Assignments page and access their work from any device with a web browser. 

Today the students learned how to use the Stream feature of Google Classroom that allows the teachers and students to post questions and replies. Mrs. Blake is using Stream as a class blog for daily writing practice. Mrs. Blake will post a question or writing prompt in the Stream and students will be able to log on and post a reply to the prompts. The Stream settings can be customized so that students are able to view and reply to their classmates’ posts for collaborative projects.