This afternoon RCET kicked-off the 2015 Video Production & StopMotion Animation Camp. Across the week campers will be exploring various tools and strategies for creating StopMotion animations and movies. Stop Motion animation is an animation technique where objects are manipulated to appear to move on their own. The object is moved in small increments and a photo is taken of each movement. When the series of frames are played back, the illusion of movement occurs.Today the campers began creating their own claymation movies. Claymation is a form of StopMotion in which soft/non-hardening clay is used to create the animated figures. Claymation was used to create such movies as Gumby,Wallace and Gromit, and Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The campers created storyboards of their claymation movies using templates available at Animation Chefs, Today the campers created their claymation movies using the iStopMotion for iPad app from Boinx Software. The campers enjoyed viewing everyone’s movies on the big screen.