In today’s session of Junior Adventures in Coding the campers were introduced to Hopscotch, an iOS app designed to teach children the basic elements of coding and programming. By manipulating simple drag and drop blocks, Hopscotch introduces young children to fundamental programming concepts such as sequencing, abstraction, values and conditionals. The app allows children to sequence code to create simple games, animations, and art. Today the campers worked with the app as a group to progress through the coding levels of the app to create increasingly more complex movements, animations and games and then shared their games by projecting them on the Apple TV and presentation screen.
At the end of today’s session, the campers explored Light Bot on the iPads. Light Bot is designed to introduce very young children to programming logic by engaging the child in solving developmentally appropriate puzzles. The app can be played on iPhones/iPads, Androids, and Kindles.
At the end of today’s session, the campers explored Light Bot on the iPads. Light Bot is designed to introduce very young children to programming logic by engaging the child in solving developmentally appropriate puzzles. The app can be played on iPhones/iPads, Androids, and Kindles.