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Fishcreek Third Graders Explore Augmented Reality in the AT&T Classroom
Today in the AT&T Classroom, the Fishcreek third graders explored a an augmented reality tool. ColAR Mix turns simple coloring pages into 3D
animated experience using augmented reality (AR) technology. The app combines layers of digital content with your actual environment using the camera feature on your tablet device, creating a virtual reality on your screen. The app offers various themed/topical sets of pages which students can print and color. Today the students opened
the colAR Mix app on the iPad and held the iPad camera over the page they had colored,
using the camera to scan their colored picture. The picture then “came to
life” by utilizing animations and sounds that the developer had built into the
app. To add a literacy component to the lesson, students also posted a creative story about their picture on the
class Kid Blog.